The Bishop's Candlesticks ----A ONE ACT Play
As I was going thro my Light Readings published in my blog site it struck me that by oversight or otherwise none of the one act plays I had taken part during my school /
college days had found any entry so far in my blog.Since I was certain that it would make a good reading if made available,I immediately resolved to attempt to recllect one play titled 'The Bishop's Candlesicks' in which I had played the role of a convict sometime in mid 50s.In absence of any written text not being available I had no recourse but to kindle my memory to put down the play in writing.
I confess the play as revealed in this blog is not the original based on VICTOR HUGO'S LES MISERABLES,Due to passage of time blunting my memory I had to take recourse to some minor changes in the original script,If in doing so I had failed to sustain adequately the interest of the reader,I seek Ur pardon,However having said so I am reasonably certain that any reader would find adequate material to sustain interest.
I dedicate this play to all members of the Kavitanjaly family besides my other well wishers and Friends.
If any Reader of this play has in his possession the original play I would request the person to let me know whether or not any changes found in this write up has drifted from the original,positive or otherwise.
Wish You an enjoyable reading.
Written by BAIYU Mumbai March 2011