Wednesday, 5 August 2009


Preface:This is a collection of Leave Letters and applications received from candidates, as compiled by the compiler (Self),from different parts of India while in service, being presented here for the pleasure of reading by my Friends and Well Wishers of the KAVITANJALI family.

1)A Candidate's application:----"This has reference to your advertisement calling for a Typist and an Accountant, Male or Female.As I am both for the past several years and I can handle both, I am applying for the post."

2)An employee applied for leave as follows:----"Since I have to go to my village to sell my land along with my wife,please sanction me one week leave."

3)Another employee applied for half day leave as follows:----"Since I have to go to the cremation ground and I may not return,please grant me half day casual leave."

4)A student had written a Leave Letter to the Headmaster:----"As I am studying in this school,I am suffering from headache.I request you to leave me today."

5)Another leave letter written to the headmaster:----"As my head ache is paining ,please grant me leave for the day."

6)A covering note:----"I am enclosed herewith-------".

7)Another leave letter written to the administration department:----As my mother in law has expired and I am responsible for it,please grant me ten days leave".

8)Another letter written for application of leave:----"My wife is suffering from sickness and I am her only husbond at home,I may be granted leave".

9) Letter writing:----"I am in well here and hope you are also in the same well".

Compiled by Baiyu ---------------Mumbai 05 August 2009.

Tuesday, 4 August 2009


There was once a little boy who had a bad temper.His Father gave him a bag of nailsand told him that every time he lost his temper,he must hammer one nail into the back of the fence.The first day the boy had driven 37 nails into the fence.Over the next few weeks ,as he learned to control his anger,the nunmber of nails hammered daily gradually dwindled down.He discovered that it was easier to hold his temper than to drive those nails into the fence.

Finally the day came when the boy did not lose his temper at all.He told his father about it and his father suggested that the boy now pull out one nail for each day that he was able to hold his temper.The days passed and the young boy was finally able to tell his fatherthat all the nails were gone.

The father now took his son by the hand and led him to the fence.He said "You have done well but look at the holes in the fence.The fence will never be the same again.When you say things in anger they leave a scar just like this one.You can put a knife in a man and draw it out.It won't matter how many times you say "I am sorry"the wound will remain there.A verbal wound is as bad as a physical one.

On hearing this,the boy confessed to his father that he has learned the lesson of his life.

Compiled by BAIYU ---------------September 1999



" I have been but as a child playing on a sea shore searching and screaming for some prettier pebbles than those of my companions while the unbounded ocean of truth lay
undiscovered before me".

Un Quote

So said the great (Late) Sir Issac Newton

THE MAN Who discovered the Laws Of Gravity through watching an apple fall from a tree in his Garden.

The ONE Whose mind was one of the most remarkable in the History of Human Thought.

The PERSON Whose Discoveries marked the end of one period of mankind and initiated the beginning of another

The GENIUS Whose contribution in Mathematics laid the foundation for the mechanical triumbh that followed.

AND THE HUMAN Who,with advancing age and wisdom,realised in his later years the futility of such Physical Laws against Divine Will and so towards the twilight of his career turned to Biblical Studies and lost interest in all these if indeed He ever had any.

If this is the humility of such a great man like Newton,is it not time, Friends,for commoners like us to pause and realise how naive we are in spending our valuable time and energy in argueing over matters of little significance and in the process expose to others more our ignorense than our knowledge?

It is this humility of such Great Men like Newton that should become the driving force to us all in our day to day dealings in Life.Remember only then we can achieve anything tangible in our life.

Written by BAIYU--------Mumbai July 2009