Titbits VI
1)Secret of a Successful Married Life
An elderly couple were celebrating their 50th year of Marriage Anniversary to which they had invited a large number of friends and well wishers including quite a few youngsters who had been only recently married.The Youngsters were inquisitive to know from the couple the secret of the success of their married life.
When they posed this question to the couple,The man replied as follows-----
"Very Simple.No sooner than we got married,We came to an understanding that I will not interfere in taking decisions on minor issues which will be decided only by my wife.Likewise she will not interfere in taking decisions on major issues which will be decided by Me alone".
On further enquiry as to what constituted minor issues the Man replied---
Again very simple.If we have to decide on simple Household Issues like for instance To Which School We should send our child or for that matter what Colour we whould Use to paint the walls of the house or Which Car We should buy,and on issues like these I left it to my wife to decide and I did not interfere.To then the question as to what constituted a Major Decision,the Man replied--"Well if we have to decide whether or not our Country should become Nuclear,I decide.
2)Who is better than whom?
We are Three brothers inclusive of myself being the eldest of the three with one sister who is elder to me.On one rare occasion when all the four of us were present on a family function,we three brothers were chitchating amongst ourselves when a conversation broke out between my two brothers and I was a silent listener.The conversation centered around which,amongst the two IITs,is better than the other viz IIT Kharagpur where my first brother did his B.Tech in Mechanical Engg. or IIT Bombay where my second brother did his B.Tech in Metallurgical Engg.Each was vehementally trying to establish how his almamater was better than the other.
As I was listening to them,they suddenly came to a common understanding that irrespective of which IIT is better than the other both IITs are better than The University Department Of Chemical Technology in Bombay,in brief referred to as UDCT,where I did my Post Graduation B.Sc(Tech)in Chemical Technology.
This was when I decided to intervene and the subsequent conversation we had on this issue was as followa----
Myself--"Hai just a minute.Now that you are dragging in the UDCT in your talk I need to express my stand on the subject,After all at the end of the day how a person reacts to a real life situation would decide the quality of the Institute from where he graduated.I am sure you will agree and if so Do you know the difference between the Three of us?
My two brothers--"What is the difference"?
Myself-- If the light goes off in our house I will immediately call the Electrician to do the needful.
Then turning to my Kharagpur brother I asked "Do You know what You will do"?Then proceeded to say "For the next half hour or so you will be seeing up and down giving an impression that You will be repairing the line and after that You will call the Electrician.In other words what I will do immediately you will be doing after Half Hour.
Then turning to my second brother I asked him "Do You know what You will do"?Then proceeded to say "You will try to repair the line and in the process our Neighbour's Light will also go Off".
Then addressing both my brothers I said "Now tell me Who Is Better Than Whom?
Dear Reader, What Have You To Say?
Recorded By BAIYU